What is website hosting?

In general, a web site is composed of many web pages (china website hosting) the composition. These web pages are being stored in a host server (web server) on. Whenever you visit a Web site, the page you are reading is downloaded from a host server to your browser. So, if you intend to have a website, you need a virtual hosting service.

The so-called virtual host, is running on a host server on the Internet (china website hosting), through the use of special hardware and software technology, divided into multiple “virtual” servers, that is, the so-called virtual hosts. Thus each virtual host has a separate and complete Internet domain name server (WWW, FTP, Email, etc.) function. So, when you set up the site to the virtual host, the fact you and many others in the station at the same time using a host server, but individual sites in a virtual host is completely independent and self-management by individual station. To provide virtual hosting service providers that host (china website hosting provider) has.

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